After reading Rhys Southan’s  Is Art a Waste of TIme?, It is clear how important art is to him.  He does not believe art is a waste of time as he states “I think the world would be unlivable without art.” Rhys respects anyone who spends a part of their day creating, no matter what form of art it is he believes it is essential to everyday life.

Rhys also explains Effective Altruism (using reason and evidence to do the most good) as it relates to art.  He wanted to learn as much of EA as he could because he realized if he could do the most good as possible, and continue to pursue art, his life would almost be complete. He references a piece called “Famine, Affluence, and Morality” relating to Effective Altruism. The piece explains how most capable human beings would save a life if they had the chance. However, “most of us manage to ignore those dying of poverty and preventable disease all over the world.” Rhys Southan references this piece because he realizes there are people all over the world in need of EA. Rhys Southan is trying to change the world with EA, and spreading his love for art.